What You Should Do After a Single Car Accident in NJ
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Most of us know what to do following a multi-vehicle accident: talk to witnesses, get the other driver’s insurance information, and file a report with the police and our insurance. But after a single-car accident, it can be difficult to know what to do next.
All too often, there are no witnesses to a single-car accident other than the driver, or passengers in the vehicle. With no insurance information to collect from another driver, and the potential for few witnesses, it’s important to deal with single-car accidents in a slightly different manner than a multi-vehicle crash. The attorney’s at Richard Hollawell have compiled a quick list of actions you can take, and information you need to know, after your single-car accident in New Jersey.

“Stolen car hits mobile home” by Jeff Scism is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
What Is the Definition of a Single-Car Accident?
Single-car accidents occur when only one vehicle is damaged. This can happen when a driver hits a roadside object, like a pole or a guard rail. It can also happen when a car flips over, rolls, or is otherwise damaged while driving.
Single-car accidents are typically the result of distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, or other negligent or reckless behavior on the part of the driver. But of course, that’s not always the case 100 percent of the time.
Who Can Be Held Liable in a Single-Car Accident?
It seems obvious that the driver in a single-car accident should always be the one held liable, as theirs is the only car involved. While this is the case for many single-car accidents, there are circumstances where other parties may in fact be at fault.
Sometimes the investigation may find that no one is at fault in the accident. This can occur when:
- A driver hits a deer or another animal
- If the accident is the result of inclimate weather, or bright sun in the drivers eyes
Other entities may end up being held liable for the accident. Some examples of this would be:
- If another drivers recklessness caused the driver to swerve and hit a roadside object
- If unsecured cargo in a truck bed falls out and causes a car to swerve into a roadside object in order to avoid hitting the cargo
- If a pedestrian or bicyclist was negligent or reckless and caused the accident
- If the public entity responsible for road maintenance was negligent in designing or maintaining the roadway
- If the vehicle manufacturer knowingly allowed a design or manufacturing defect in the vehicle to be present without making a recall
Of course, if the driver involved caused the accident themselves due to negligence, recklessness, or a violation of traffic laws, then they will be the ones held liable for the damages.

“Car-Hits-Pole-Cannon-Catharine-March-2018” by Joey.Coleman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Does Insurance Cover Single-Car Accidents?
Whether or not insurance covers a single-car accident will depend on what kind of policy the driver carries, and what happened in the accident. Liability policies will typically pay for damages to property, or a pedestrian that was struck by the driver, but not for damages to the driver’s car.
You should always talk to your insurance agent after any kind of car accident. But if you feel like your car insurance company is not covering you to the extent that it should, you may want to contact a skilled car insurance lawyer. Hiring a lawyer lets the insurance companies know you mean business, and they are much more likely to offer you a fair settlement once they know you have retained counsel.
How Can an Attorney Help Me With My Single-Car Accident?
If you suspect that your single-car accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, then contacting an experienced car accident attorney is your best chance at getting a fair settlement. Your car accident attorney can negotiate with insurance agents to get you the compensation you deserve, and help you identify the parties liable for your accident.
The NJ car accident attorneys at Richard Hollawell can help you explore the complexities of your single-car accident and get you the maximum compensation you need to get your life on track. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-681-3550 or use this contact form to speak to us today.